Jumat, 02 Mei 2014


Pasona is the largest Japanese recruiting agency that is focused on the Japanese businesses in the Indonesia and also holds an international network in USA, Canada , and various countries in Asia. Although our focus is on Japanese companies, the Japanese language skill is not required. We welcome those who hold a genuine interest and/or have had exposure to the Japanese culture, language, and business. We recruit for various career levels and we work to build relationships with any Japanese business regardless of industry in order to provide our candidates with as many career opportunities as possible, including direct hire, temp-to-hire, and temporary positions. When working with job applicants, our recruiters strive to understand their career plans and goals while maximizing individual strengths and experiences gained in the past.

Sekarang kami membutuhkan posisi staff untuk bagian Marketing, dengan kriteria sebagai berikut:

1. Laki-laki/ wanita, usia max 35 tahun

2. Bisa membaca drawing produk ataupun alat

3. Pengalaman minimal 3 tahun sebagai Marketing

4. Pendidikan min D3

5. Diutamakan bisa berbahasa Jepang

Jika merasa diri anda sesuai dengan kualifikasi tersebut, kirim CV ke tarita.hanna@pasona.co.id

Jangan lupa menyebutkan posisi Anda di dalam subject.

Tanggal Berakhir:
Bekasi - Jawa Barat

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